Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jamaica Me Crazy!

A couple of weeks ago, I was feeling kind of low.  I won't go into all of the details, because it really isn't important.  What's important is the angel who descended from heaven and made my life worth living again.  Do you remember my friend, Kim?  Well, she just happens to be one of those annoying people who went to college, paid attention, got good grades and subsequently a degree and an awesome job.  Because she is a go-getter and super-duper producer of whatever it she does (yes, she's told me...but I might not have been paying attention), she is the recipient of an all expense paid trip to Jamaica, and she asked me to go as her guest!!


I believe we are staying at the Ritz Carlton in Montego Bay.


Can you tell I'm excited?  Did I mention she's THE smartest, most beautiful and wonderful person I know??  We are going to have so much fun.  I cannot wait. 

Now, aside from severing limbs and removing internal organs, does anyone have a good way to lose 30 pounds in less than two months?


Anonymous said...

Hooray! How exciting! I am going to do my best to not show how envious I am of you and instead bestow heaps of happy trails on you and Kim.

My step-daughter and her fiance will be flying in to Montego Bay for their honeymoon at the end of March. Why don't we all meet up there together just for giggles? I'm sure Kelly and Cy will be delighted.

But seriously, chica... enjoy! I've been on several paid company trips and they are the best. Let your hair down and f**k the 30 pounds.

Anonymous said...

I'm all for extending my stay to hang out with you, Kelly and Cy on their honeymoon. Then, we can all go on Dr. Phil where Kelly will discuss her step-mother's lack of boundaries! LOL

Anonymous said...

Becks, you are beautiful just the way you are. Stop obsessing over the 30 pounds and just go! Have I told you how good I am at carrying luggage? Maybe I should talk to Kim??

Anonymous said...

Aw, thanks! How fun would that be for us girls to all go somewhere? If nothing else, we should be a long weekend at a B&B at Lake Michigan over the summer!

Anonymous said...

LOL, Chi! Great idea! But why stop at lack of boundaries? Dr Phil would have to devote a full episode or two just to me.

PS: Don't worry, be happy.

Anonymous said...

Somehow...that doesn't surprise me.
BTW, thanks for telling me how to do the playlist! You rock!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you deserve it for being such a great friend. But I'm still jealous!! Hmph, maybe I will make that little trip to Mobile for Mardi Gras, just to keep up with you jet-setters!